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ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1961 SPRING MEETING THE Spring Meeting, which was also the Annual General Meeting, was held in the Examination Hall of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, on Saturday afternoon, 25 March. About one hundred members were present, and the Chair was occupied by Mr. J. E. R. Carson, LL.B. The Report for 1960 was presented by the Honorary Secretary, and this was adopt- ed. It was subsequently published in CEREDIGION, Vol. IV, No. 1. The financial report was presented by the newly-appointed Honorary Treasurer, Mr. H. Morris Roberts, who thanked the Honorary Secretary for the additional work undertaken by him in the transitional period. The accounts, having been audited, were adopted by the meeting. On the proposition of Alderman E. Glyn Davies, O.B.E., the present Honorary Officers were re-elected en bloc, and on the proposition of the Reverend Canon A. Morlais Williams, M.A., the members of the Executive Committee were re-elected for a further term of one year. The four Local Correspondents were re-elected, and the matter of appointing a person to act for the Society in the Cardigan area was entrusted to the Executive Committee. Representatives of both Mydroilyn Young Farmers' Club and Llanddeiniol Young Farmers' Club were present at the meeting and were congratulated by the Chairman on their success in the competition arranged by the Society for the best Local Folk Museum. The Clubs had been adjudged equal, and Dr. Richard Phillips, one of the three judges, added his congratulations. The guest speaker was Professor W. H. Davies, M.A., Head of the Department of Classics, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, who delivered an interesting address, illustrated with slides, on The Romans in Cardiganshire'. Present at the meeting was Mr. D. D. Evans, the sole surviving founder-member of the Society, who exhibited some of the articles found at the site of the Roman camp at Llanio, including a prized possession, namely, a carved Roman head. A vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Dr. J. Henry Jones, the Director of Education, and seconded by Alderman Mrs. G. C. Evans. Following the meeting, at the kind invitation of Professor T. Jones Pierce, M.A., F.S.A., the High Sheriff, members partook of tea at the College Refectory. In acknowledging the vote of thanks proposed by the Chairman, the High Sheriff expressed the hope that whatever would be the outcome of the proposed re-organ- isation of local government the Society would continue to flourish and maintain a link with the past of the county. He wished his successor, Captain C. F. H. Churchill, D.S.O.another member of the Society-a successful year of office. SUMMER MEETING About eighty members assembled at St. Mary's Church, Cardigan, on Wednesday afternoon, 28 June, and in the unavoidable absence of both Chairman and Vice- Chairman the proceedings were conducted by the Honorary Editor, Mr. Gildas Tibbott, M.A. Following short prayers offered by the Vicar, the Chairman extended a special welcome to a number of senior pupils from Cardigan County School who were present at the meeting.