Cylchgronau Cymru

Chwiliwch trwy dros 450 o deitlau a 1.2 miliwn o dudalennau

NAWN MAE 'nhadau'n gorwedd draw yn heddwch dwys A distawrwydd y dyffryn. Gaf innau orwedd gyda hwy dan gwys A gosteg y glyn ? A welsant hwy yn syn bob amcan cudd Cnawdolrwydd y Cariad ? Can's gwelais i yn heulwen hael fy nydd Noethni fy Nhad. Davies ABERPENNAR. CLANN FHIONNLAIDH FROM rapine of salmon in peatpool, snare set in firfibred soil, a snow-planed Blue Mountain storm- ploughed, weltering up through bloodrain Rome sniping on belly down that valley, loth to run with a windscent south, he came to tollhouse, conesteep witches cap, heard smithy's anvil tinkle on waking up. Through veering seasons furrowing fields like winds he sealed in blood a covenant buried in minds' ancestral dungeon blacker than body in laird's lair carved by him in wood and hid by english fire. Shouting CARN NA Cuimhne Cairn of remembrance shouting in sword and cannon, was ghostvoicewind on Low Road, first to fall as Mor at Pinkie. Deserter, yielding and killed at Inkerman, he founded this cairn to-day ended with Fairlie's seawebbed stones and sailing of schooner on grass; shed blood now M.A. gown wrung cry a gothtower rainhiss. Topstone, memory, fishscale clung to pier, crackled with weeds on August's crickleaf pyre, burnt high in headline WAR, my summertan, the hiss-steam whistling beribboned Campbeltown. JAMES riNDLAY HENDRY.