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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE, CARDIRR (A Constituent College of the Unioersity of Wales.) DEPARTMENTS. I.— Faculty of Arts. 2.-Faculty of Science. 3.-Faculty of Medicine. 4.—Department of Public Health. 5.-Department of Applied Science and Technology. (a) Engineering. (å) Mining (c) Metallurgy. (d) Geology. The Engineering Laboratory is fitted with all the latest appliances, including a 100-ton Testing Machine, which has been purchased at a cost of £2500. 6.—Department of Music. 7.—Elementary Training Department for Men. 8.—Elementary Training Department for Women. 9.-Secondary Training Department for Women. 10.—Secondary Training Department for Men. Courses of Instruction in Law, and Short Courses in Agricultural and Dairying Science are given at the College, and Courses of University Extension Lectures are arranged for. By an arrangement between the Mining Board (South Wales and Monmouthshire Coal Field) and the Council of the College, a three years' Diploma Course of Instruction in Coal Mining has been established, to be given jointly by both Institutions. The Training School of Domestic Arts for South Wales and Monmouthshire (including Cookery, Dressmaking, Laundrywork, Housewifery, etc.) is under the management of a Joint Committee appointed by certain Local Education Authorities and the Council of the College. MEDICAL FACULTY.—Students, both men and women, who wish to prepare for the Medical Degree of one of the Universities of Great Britain or Ireland. or for the Diploma of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons or other Licensing Body, may spend, in Cardiff, from two to three out of the five years of their Medical Course, at a cost which compares favourably with that of Medical Education in London or elsewhere in the -provinces. The College Laboratories and Museums are supplied with modern requirements for teaching. Students have access to the Practice of the Cardiff Infirmary—within three minutes' walk from the College. Medical men wishing to prepare for a Diploma in Public Health can attend complete courses of instruction in Public Health and Hygiene at the College. The Medical Prospectus can be obtained on application to the Registrar of the College. Further information and advice may be obtained from the Dean of the Medical Faculty. For Prospectus and all information in regard to Scholarships, Craddock Wells' Exhibitions and Free Studentships, apply to—The REGISTRAR. There is a Hall of Residents for Women Students, under the supervision of Miss KATE HuRLBATT (Principal). For further particular! in regard to the Hall, application should be made to the Principal. Aberdare Hall, Corbett Road. Cardiff. Telepheose: 330 Cardiff; 98 Whitchurch. Telegranas Stese 11, Werking Street, Cardiff." G. STONE & CO. WREATHS A SPEOAUTY. (R. JORDAN. Manager) PERSONAL SUPERVISION. ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE Undertakers and Funeral Directors. EVERY REQUISITE FOR SUPERIOR FUNERALS. Proprietors of Modern Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shellibiers and Coaches, Superb Flemish Horses, etc 11 6 12, Working St., Cardiff.