Cylchgronau Cymru

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harmonies-whether of song or colour-it cannot develop freely and spontaneously whether the despotism of the Turk or the more deadly, because more monotonous, influence of Germanic culture be in question. Even the Kolo the national dance of the Serb, is pure folk dance, and stamps the performers as a bold and primitive race. Those only can condemn the Kolo as monoto- nous who fail utterly to seize its essential charac- teristics-the employment of a sense of rhythm in free exercise by a free people. More effete-or more highly civilised-com- munities need more elaborate movements to stir their enthusiasm-though one is bound to add that the Serb beholds with polite amazement the mono- tonous gyrations of the European waltz. To see a group of really good dancers moving through the more intricate varieties of the Kolo steps-and there are many-is to watch poetry in motion, so much balance, such neat posturing, and such correspondence and correlation between the emotions of the soul and the movements of the body may be traced therein. THE IMPATIENCE OF IDEALISTS. IT is hardly necessary to explain to Indian students the origin of the title I have chosen for this address. Lord Morley, when he was at the India' Office, dismissed the demands of certain of your fellow-countrymen as the dreams of impatient idealists. What amount of truth is there in the reproach ? Granted that we are idealists, are we subject to fits of impatience ? If so, does such impatience prevent us from approaching the realisa- tion of our ideals ? We must begin by some general agreement about the meaning of idealist. A man is an idealist, let us say, when he wishes to change things as they are according to some end, plan or model which he conceives as more highly desirable. All men are in some measure idealists. They are all at some time or other dissatisfied with the scheme of things. But the idealist has something more than a vague dis- content. His end is more clearly defined and his effort to attain it more continuous. What are the grounds of his impatience ? Primarily the slowness with which he sees his ideals approach some measure "Notes of an address given to the Edinburgh Indian Association by J. F. Rees, MA., Lecturer in Economic History, University of Edinburgh. And the whole spirit of Serbia lies in the Kolo- the highest in the land and the simplest soldier will take hands for the national dance-all know the heroic history of their land as an Englishman knows the Derby winners of the past hundred years. All make music and sing with the spontaneity of the real music lover who sings not merely to afford entertainment to others but because his song is a means of expression. And to know our Serbia silent, as we knew her last winter, was to know her stricken to the heart. But our Serbs are singing again. and to those of us who know them that is an augury of the best. Wales, which has struggled long and hard for the preservation of her national entity will understand. will sympathise with that intrepid little nation in the far-away Balkans. Serbia has paid with her heart's blood for the rights of the small States and for the principles of treaties and the rights of nationality-it is for us, remembering our solemn vow and covenant, to see that she suffers no more. E. Chivers Davies. of realisation and the serious set-backs he invariably experiences. The idealist in proportion to his enthusiasm, and the loftiness of his ideal is likely to suffer acutely at times from disappointment and dis- illusionment. He finds that men persist in doing the things they ought not to do, and in leaving undone the things they ought to do. First, we may notice the apparent tyranny of circumstance. You can examine from a rather more detached point of view than I can the example afforded by the present European position. A civili- sation painfully built up by infinite labour, a civilisa- tion with great potentialities for the advancement of the ideal of human brotherhood, is turning all its energies to what must seem to you self-destruction. And yet all that is best in men of every belligerent nation revolts against this. We appear to be in- volved-almost hopelessly involved-in this great war. You can hardly appreciate the disillusionment of it all. We know we are to blame. In our hearts we know that we were foolishly blind to possibilities, that we perpetuated suspicion and rivalry, and that we are reaping the result. It is perhaps characteristic that we blame one another. We do not think that malignant fate or a perverse destiny brought it about.