Cylchgronau Cymru

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advocacy of Welsh Home Rule in its conference at Cardiff last summer. We are told on good authority that there is a movement afoot in Ireland for Sinn Fein to entrust its, case to a strong Irish Labour Party, which shall represent it in Parliament. Labour has broadened its constitution, and now invites brain workers to join its ranks and share in its councils, and, when we find capitalists like Sir John Brunner, Mr. Ed. T. John, Mr. Rowntree, etc., willing to trust their interests to Labour, and experienced statesmen like Mr. Trevelyan, Sir Chiozza Money, Mr. King, etc., identifying them- selves with the movement, we can rest assured that the Labour Party is not composed of cranks, visionaries, or Bolsheviks, but men of sound common sense and honesty and vision. Again, on the other hand this new alliance would broaden the outlook of Welsh Nationalists. My country, right or wrong is a false and misleading and pernicious patriotism. The claims of our country must be considered in the light of the rights of other nations. Nationalism is a responsibility and a privilege, a mission and a birthright, and if it is to be kept pure, clean and worthy we must have the international outlook of Labour to clarify our vision and strengthen our faith and universalise our love. We should get rid of national exclusiveness and national hatred and pride we want a grouping of nations in great peaceful federations, which shall gradually draw closer so as to embrace the whole civilised world." Am fod eich clonnau chwi yn oer, A'ch cas yn llosgi'n ysol fflam, A'ch dannedd yn ewynnu poer, A'ch enaid wedi tyfu'n gam Am nad oes yn eich bywyd gwael Un gobaith yn tywynnu dydd, Am nad oes dim tosturi hael Na chariad gennych, na dim ffydd Am droi ohonoch eiriau Duw Yn udo croch am fwy o waed, Am faeddu ffrwd y dyfroedd byw, Am wneud Ei fainc yn Ile i'ch traed,- Am ichwi wneuthur hyn i gyd, R ym ni, fu'n aberth er eich mwyn, Fel gyrr o anifeiliaid mud Dan feichiau oedd ry drwm i'w dwyn, 'Rym ni 'n cyhoeddi melltith mwy Ar bawb ohonoch yn eich tro, Benadur gwlad, cynghorwr plwy, Arglwydd yr aur, a thorrwr glo. Ni ydyw'r ieuainc distadl ffol Yrasoch chwi wrth weiddi gwaed Ni ddaw ohonom un yn ol, Ni chlyw'r hen lwybrau swn ein traed. Is such an alliance practicable? The Rev. Gwynfryn Jones, Flint, writes Limited space will not permit us to quote from Professor Joseph Jones, Mr. T. Gwynn Jones, Mr. F. Llewellyn Jones, Mr. Stanton Roberts, etc. One fact is very obvious in all our correspondence with leaders of Welsh opinion on this subject, viz., that there is a ripeness, readiness and passionate desire among intellectuals for a real working alliance between Welsh Nationalism and Labour. Who can and will lead the way ? 1914-1918 YR IEUAINC WRTH YR HEN. "I am fully convinced that the present Parliamentary repre- sentation of the Principality is no true reflection of the Democratic and National aspiration of the great majority of the Welsh people. I also believe that such an alliance as you propose is possible. I have gone in and out among the Labour and Nationalist sections, and I have found not only a willingness but a passionate desire for an alliance; and it would undoubtedly be beneficial to both the Labour and the National Movement. It will make Welsh nationalism a cause, not of a cult but of the people, and whilst still affiliated with the powerful British organisation of Labour, it will give Wales a kind of autonomy which will remove out of the Welshman's mind a certain prejudice which at present (whether well founded or not) is a deterrent." Mr. E. T. John replies :­ You will find a letter from me in the Welsh Outlook for last February, urging such an alliance, and stating the lines of policy which should be pursued. There is no alternative but to induce all sincere Welsh Nationalists to join the Labour Party, making, how- ever, such arrangements as may be considered necessary for em- phasing the Nationalist side of the movement in Wales." Nyni oedd biau'r r gwanwyn gwyrdd, Ac eiddom ni bob glendid greddf Ni oedd gariadon hyd y ffyrdd Yn nistaw hwyr yr hydref lleddf, Pob breuddwyd teg a phurdeb bryd, Pob gobaith, pob haelioni hir, Pob rhyw ddyheu am lanach byd, Pob tyfiant cain, pob goleu clir. Nyni yw'r rhai fendithiodd Duw A'r dewrder mawr heb gyfri'r gost Ni oedd yn canu am gael byw, A byw a bywyd oedd ein bost. Ohonom nid oes un yn awr,- Aeth bidog drwy y galon lân, Mae'r ffosydd dros y dewrder mawr, Mae'r bwled wedi tewi'r gan. Pan gerddoch chwi, hen ddynion blin, Hyd lwybrau'r wlad, ni'ch blinir fawr Gan sibrwd isel, fin wrth fin, Mae r cariad wedi peidio 'n awr. Mae melltith ar ein gwefus ni Yn chwerw, ond wedyn cyfyd gwen, Wrth gofio nad awn byth fel chwi, Wrth gofio nad awn byth yn hen. W. J. Gruffydd.