Cylchgronau Cymru

Chwiliwch trwy dros 450 o deitlau a 1.2 miliwn o dudalennau

Morrià & Son, CAMBRIAN ESTÂBIÎSHMENT, BARMOUTH. General DRAPERS, MILLINERS, MERCHANT TAILORS. BARNETTS STORES, LIONSTREET, WOLGELLEY. Sole Agent for the Serendib 'fea. Agent for Harris' Smoked Hams and Baeon ; Beach's Jama j Gairn's Home Made Marmatade (Makers to the Queen); Iíeiller's Marmalade ; Huntley and Palaier's, Peek Freaa, and Jacob's Cake* and Biscuits ; Crosse and Blaekwell Table Delicacies ; Lazenby's Pick)es, Saüces. &ç.; Kinmnd's Royal Tnble Waters ; Cadbury's and Fry's Chocolate in great variety ; àmerican,;tJheddar, Gorgonzola; Cheese always in Stock ; Will's and Jiinger's TobaCGoa; Lamberfc and Butler's Tobaccos and Cigars. 2?. Bamett, Proprietor.