In the biography of this historian of Monmouthshire in the D.W.B. there is reference to two Latin works by him-Carmina jocosa, 19 16, and Carmen, 1923. There was another Latin work between them, a miscellany of prose and verse mainly the fruits of his recreation during active service in Flanders in 1917. A few items belong to the following year, including an elegy on his son, Walter, who fell in battle, 24 March 1918. The book, entitled Noctes Flandricce, was printed in London by Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, the printers of his History of Monmouthshire. In the introduction he tells how he employed his leisure hours in Flanders by reading Classical Latin authors, medieval Latin works from Adam of Usk to William Camden, and, at all times, the Latin version of the Book of Common Prayer. He preferred to write his letters to his friends in Latin or in Welsh, 'never in a vulgar tongue', he once told me. For the greater part of his life he was fortunate in securing a succession of regular correspondents of a like mind. He named Egerton Phillimore, Principal W. J. Evans, and Professor J. Young Evans as his regular correspondents in Latin. They were probably the last Welshmen to correspond regularly with one another in that language. Aberystwyth It is necessary to correct parts of the note on John Castell Evans in the D. W.B. in the light of information contained in his manuscript 'Yr hen amser gynt' (3 vols.) in the National Library. The exact date of his birth was 20 July 1844. There is no evidence that he was at any time a pupil at the Bala Grammar School. His first schoolmaster, Thomas Roberts, 'Scorpion', minister of the Congregational church at Llanuwchllyn, who also kept a day school there, which Evans attended, left the district in 1856. This put an end to his schooling for some three years but he took advantage of this time to absorb much of the traditions and poetic atmosphere of the district from literary meetings and conversations with local literateurs, particularly his uncle Thomas Edwards, 'Dochan', thereby acquiring an abiding taste for literary pursuits. When he was about fourteen years of age he attended the Bala British School and became a pupil teacher there. He left for London in a vain quest for clerical employment. He himself records that he left Wales in June 1864 and that he reached Devonport by the end of August, but there exists a letter which he dated on 8 March 1864 at Devonport. He was then teaching at a mixed boarding and day school. Still unsettled and longing to return to Wales he tried to obtain a stationmaster's post on the Caernarvonshire Railway in 1867. On 18 July 1868 he married Jessie, eldest daughter of William Henry Beal of Devonport. They took residence at the Pine Cottage, Millbrook, where he kept school on his own account. He was settled in Harrogate in 1871. His subsequent career is correctly outlined in the D. W.B. The title of one of his works should be corrected to Physico-Chemical Tables 1902. He published a chart, in 1892, entitled a Table for the detection of positive Radicles. He paid a visit to Germany to study provision for technical education. E. D. JONES Aberystwyth BIOGRAPHICA ET BIBLIOGRAPHICA SIR JOSEPH ALFRED BRADNEY (D.W.B., 48) JOHN CASTELL EVANS (D.W.B., 1119.) E. D. JONES