Phptipiaid @tbubWE-@ Surdey an* a ^utrnnarg* By WILLIAM LL. DAVIES, M.A., Librarian, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. A. By Phylipiaid Ardudwy1 is meant that group of Welsh poets-John, Richard, Gruffydd, Phylip John, and Wil- liam Phylip-who lived in Ardudwy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Their period ranges from 1543, in which year John was probably born, to 1678, when pro- bate was granted of the will of Phylip John Phylip, the last of the group. The Royalist poet William Phylip, though he was no blood relation to the other Phylipiaid and was in several respects different from them, is usually accounted of the group. The literary, historical, and religious associations of Ardudwy, particularly during the seventeenth century, were admirably described by the late Principal Davies in the introduction to the second volume of Gweithiau Morgan Llwyd o Wynedd. This,2 and the works listed 1 Ardudwy-which comprises thirteen parishes on the western or sea-girt side of modern Merioneth, from Barmouth and Dolgelley on the south, to Beddgelert and Festiniog on the north-has not been without its roll of celebrities. Huw Llwyd o Gynfal, poet and warrior, who saw service in Elizabeth's wars in the Low Countries; Morgan Llwyd, probably his grandson mystic and poet, one of the pioneers of Welsh Nonconformity; Edmwnd Prys, archdeacon and poet, whose Welsh metrical version of the Psalms is still sung of a Sunday in every Welsh-speaking district; Colonel John Jones, the regicide, whose name the curious will find on King Charles's death-warrant Elis Wynn, the author of the famous "Gweledi- gaethau y Bardd Cwsg and Dr. W. Owen-Pughe, bibliophile and lexicographer ;-these are but a few from this neighbourhood famed in the annals of Welsh history and letters. 2 Bangor. Jarvis and Foster 1908. See also Ardudwy a'i Gwron [^Colonel John Jones'], by David Davies 1914; 'Asaph', Edmwnd Prys 1908; and the more scholarly work by the Archdeacon of Bangor, called Edmund Prys, published in "The Transactions of the Cymmrodorion, 1922-23; Dr. Thomas Richards's books dealing with the seventeenth century; and the first of three articles by the present writer in Y Beirmad 1913, entitled Phylipiaid Ardudwy.