TRANSACTIONS OF THE Honourable £ >ocief}> of Cymntroboriom SESSION 1927-28. JOHN WILLIAMS OF GLODDAETH.1 Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England; Dean of Westminster; Lord Bishop of Lincoln; Lord Archbishop of York; and Bencher of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Grays Inn. By His HONOUR JUDGE IVOR BOWEN, K.C.2 AFTER the English throne had been gained on Bosworth Field in 1485 for a Welsh Dynasty, by the grandson of Sir Owen Tudor, of Penmynydd Mon, a wave of migra- tion from Wales set into England. Fifty years later a further invasion followed the Act of Union. Some of the immigrants attained eminence others reached respectable stations at Court, in the Church, in Law, Medicine, Com- merce, and the fighting forces. Thousands were content to occupy humbler positions in trade or service in England. The character, customs, and language of the new comers naturally became the subject of talk, which is reflected in the writings of the Tudor period, where allusions to the Welshman's pride of blood, warmth of temper, and fondness for cheese and leeks, abound. Ten plays were produced in London between 1593-1600, in which the characters of these mountain-foreigners 1 Yr enw roddir yn gyffredin ar gartre'r Mostyniaid, ger Llan- dudno, lie bu'r Archesgob farw yn 1650. Yn 61 Syr John Morris- Jones nid dyma'r ffurf gywir. Gweler, gyfeiriad at Gloddaeth, yn Enwau Lleoedd Sir Gaernarfon.J. Lloyd-Jones, 1928. 2 Delivered (in part) before the Honourable Society of Cymmrod- orion in the Hall of Grays Inn (by kind permission of the Benchers) on Friday, the 2nd of March, 1928. Chairman The Right Honour- able Lord Atkin, of Aberdovey.