THE CAMBJRIAIV VISITOR AUGUST, 1813. <$ST WE are sorry to apprize our readers, that considerations t#hich will hereafter be explained, have determined us to take ©ur leave of them, after presenting them with the CAMBRIAN ^VISITOR in one entire volume, which will be effected hy an Appendix, including a title-page and an index, to be pub¬ lished next month. It is with real regret that we resolve upon this measure, and we have reason to flatter ourselves that we possess many friends who will share in our feelings: but it is not the/ere, who, within a limited circle, appear many, that can support a work of this nature, through, all its incidental xxpences and difficulties.-^—We, however, avoid entering into particulars here, designing this merely as an intimation of our design, due to our obliging and attentive friends.—This ar¬ rangement unavoidably renders it impracticable to leave the HisfoRY of Wales in any thing like a finished state; the writer has, therefore, withdrawn the section prepared for the present number, in order to make more room for other interest¬ ing papers in our possession, of which we are disposed to with¬ hold as few as our space will allow us, before we reach the con¬ clusion of the volume. Edit, %* Should it appear likely to interest the public* the writer of the History of Wales will readily complete his work5 by printing the whole in a smairportable volume. vol. i. 3 k