A PICTOKIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE or ENTERTAINING K! AHD J±. General ^d-vertlsor Tor ATDeraeron, INTerw Quay, dbo. BY G. JONES, (glan menai) ABERAERON. Nai NOVEMBER 10th, 1868. PRICE 2d. Our Terms to Advertisers. Oar Terms for short Advertisement* in the Visitor are Is. 6d. per inch in column, subject to a discount on a series of insertions. Our friends will greatly oblige us by sending in their communications by the 1st of every month. LONDON HOUSE, &BERAER0H. DRAPERY & GROCERY t. a J. MIES & Beg most respectfully to call tin attention of the jwblicin general to thsir wt 11- assorted Stock of Drapery, and are now prepart d to give their cus¬ tomers the full benefit of the reoent reductioi in Cotton Goods. They have also a well-assorted Stock of Family Grocery always on bfmd. No. 1, ALBAN SQUARE, ABERAERON. DAVID REESE, PRACTICAL ©Satrfjmafter & 3Fefoeiler, SILVERSMITH, OPTICIAN, &o., Begs respectfully to call the attention of the public to his well-selected Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jew- ellery, Ac. ; and particularly to his 4-guinea Pair Case Lever Watches, and the 3-guinea Pair Case Verge Watches, suitable to Farmers & Workmen. Watches Chroioroetera Patent Levers Duplex Horizontal Repeating Verticals. The most complicated Watches repaired and adjusted. Gold Cha»»» Wed ling Riaj*, Sec. Piit* •old accordi«| to weight, Jewellery i Clocks Neck Chains Skeleton Bracelets Bronzes, with Brooches shades Rings Striss & French Lockets English^ French Ear-rings 8- Day, in cases