(,(. "OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS.' A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the (Jounty of Brecknock. NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to ED [TOR Brecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FFJDAY, APEIL 22nd, 1887. NOTES. LIST OF VOTERS FOR BRECONSHIRE IN 1787 September 10th, 1886).—I beg to continue my extracts from list of voters for 1787—100 years ago. Tal. Llanfihangei-Talyllyn Pabish.—William Wil¬ liams ; David Perrott. Llandevalley Pabish.—Lewis Williams, Pen- twyn, Esq. ; Thomas Williams, Velinnewydd> Esq.; Samuel Herbert, Brechfa ; Thomas Jones, Dyffrin-issa ; Job Williams, Twyn yr Irin ; John Hergest, Wern; Morgan Davies, Courtyllacca; William Williams, Pontybat; John Williams, Tredura; William Davies, PwUycwrrw; Edward Havard, Tyrbach; Thomas Price, Heol-Inon. Hay.—Joseph Tanner; Thomas Howells; Richard Wellington, Esq.; James Beavan, Esq. Cathedine. — Thomas Vaughan; Thomas Williams; Evan Watkin ; Thomas PoweU ; Walter Pugh ; Thomas Bevan ; Howell PoweU. Cbickhowell Htxndbbd—Cwmdtj Pabish.— {Blayne Parcel).—Thomas Watkins, gent., Peny- gwerlody; Henry Meredith, Tymawr ; Walter Phillips, Cwmyrhose ; John Meredith, Penyrheol; Roger Prosser, Pentrebach; Evan Watkins, Pentrebach; {Kilwych Parcel)—Roger Thomas, Kilwych; William Bevan, GraigUwyd; WiUiam Gunter, Llygadnw; John Powell, Bwlch ; William Parry, Tyle; WiUiam Jones, Tregraig; Thomas Walter, Llwynvedwen; William John, Lloyven ; Thomas Williams, Pantybailey; Thomas Hopkins, Gare; (Tretower Parcel)—John Prosser, gent., Nantyfeen; John Morgan, Llwyncrwn; William Christopher, Cwmygu, gent, (dead); WiUiam Beavan, Llandygemau; WiUiam Parry, Tretower, gent.; Thomas Beavan, of Gare, gent. ; David GwiUims, of the same, gent. ; Evan Beavan, TwUys; Thomas PoweU, Danymyarth; (Kenol Parcel)—Thomas Watkins, of Kilvainor; Walter James, of Blaenycwm; Thomas Watkins, of Pentwyn ; Thomas Christopher, Llinwene; David GwiUims, Noyadd ; WiUiam PoweU, Noyadd. "ONE OF THE AUBREYS."—About eighty years ago Thomas Aubrey Uved at Gwern- Marchog, in the parish of Llanfrynach, of which farm he was owner (but at present owned, I beUeve, by Colonel Lloyd, Dinas). He had one son and three daughters. The son squandered the farm ; one of the daughters, Bridget, or as she was commonly culled, Briddy, married a Llanfigan worthy, Thomas Jones, of Tregagle; she used to say that some of her ancestors owned Abercynrig, and it was rumoured about forty years ago that a considerable sum of money was coming for Briddy Jones after some old relations. She often exclaimed, with an amount of pride, that she belonged to the "right Aubreys." She was an extremely pious and polite old lady. After the old homestead of Tregagle became unfit for habitation, Thomas Jones and his wife Uved at Aber. The Rev. Daniel Jones Uved with them for years Thomas Jones was weU grounded in the historical lore of the parish, and had he lived in the present day would have furnished the antiquarian with valuable information. He died suddenly while mowing corn at Tylecly- dach. It is said he knew of the route King Charles I. took in his journey from Llancaich to Brecon. Briddy survived her husband many years ; she died in the year 1870, and was buried at Aber. Ab Ioan. " LICENSE TO PREACH " IN THE COUNTY OF BRECKNOCK —Having just come across a copy of the Ucense granted by the Clerk of the Peace for Brecknockshire (Wm. Wilkins, Esq.), to the late eminent and deservedly popular Brecknockshire Minister—Rev. David Williams, Troedrhiwdalar (who died Aug. 1874)—I venture to think that your readers will pursue the same with intense interest. Perhaps someone will kindly inform me (1) under what Act was this granted, and (2) what were the advantages to be derived from same, with any other particulars. The license runs thus :— "Breconshire Epiphany Quarter Sessions, 1803. " This is to certify whom it may concern that David " Williams, of Llanwrtyd, in the county of Brecon, "did at this present Quarter Sessions, in and for "the county of Brecon, on Tuesday, the eleventh "day of January, 1803, qualify himself as a " Dissenting Teacher by taking the oaths and sub- " scribing the declaration in such case required. " Witness my hand this I lth day of January, 1803. " Wm. Wilkins, Clerk of the Peace," Methodist. Gwent House, Clydach. QUERIES. THE " CYMANFA" AT MAESYBERLLAN.— Can any of your Baptist readers furnish us with the particulars of the "Cymanfa" held at Maesyber- Uan, in this county, in the year 1790? The celebrated Christmas Evans, I beUeve, made one of his first appearances there, and made a rather unfavourable impression on those assembled; he afterwards went somewhere in North Wales. A.B.C. BRECON UNDER THE CHARLES'S.—I came across the following entry in an old catalogue tli6 other day : —" Wales. Copie of a Letter to the Lord Marquesse of Hartford from the Lords of His Majesties Councell, also instructions of the Lords of His Majesties CounceU to the Lord Marquesse of Hartford, now resident at Sir John Mounson, his house in Brecknockshire. 1642" Can anyone point out where Sir John Mounson Uved in Brecknockshire ? HlSTOBICTTS. A BRECONSHIRE AUTHOR.—Can any reader of this column state when Hie first edition of the Rev. Theophilus Evans's Dry:h y Prif Oesoedd was pubUshed, and where ? Book Wobm.