" Old Brecknock Chips." 20 Vaughan "was a Whig in politics, and he represent¬ ed the county of Brecknock from 1721 to 1734. He was appointed a Commissioner of the Customs on 21st June, 1728 (salary £1000), which post he re¬ signed in 1741, the year before this damaging " Re¬ port " was presented to the House. He died on the 31st August, 1753. The scandal occasioned by this " Enquiry " must have blown over very quickly, for we find that in 1744 Gwyn Vaughan's son held this i« *o+ » ginecure—Commissioner of the Customs. 'fat The Editoe. QUERIES. THE REBECCA RIOTS.—During these Turn¬ pike Gate Riots in South Wales, did any gate or gates in Breconshire suffer ? I think I saw it stated in a Report issued some thirteen years ago by a committee of Breconshire Magistrates, specially appointed to consider this turnpike road question, that one gate was " unhin¬ ged" in Breconshire. I believe Mr John Lloyd, of Huntington Court, was a member of that committee. Could he now state where the gate in Breconshire was situated, that fell in the way of the wrath of the Rebeccaites. And how were the Turnpike roads in Breconshire kept before the passing of the South Wales Turnpike Road Act of 1844 ? I have been told that they were '' farmed'' out, and that this system led to great imposition on the farmers of those days. In fact the heavy burdens and '' royal¬ ties '' exacted led to the Rebecca Riots. A short sketch of the Turnpike Roads and their manage¬ ment in Breconshire before the year 1844 would be interesting in this column. Who will supply it ? Histobicus. REPLIES. "EPYNT" OR "EPPYNT." — (Nov. 25th, 1887.)—In reply to Mr Wm. Smith, of Garth, I beg to say that Theophilus Jones, our earlier Historian writes the word "Epynt" (Vol. II., p. 277); whereas the Rev. Thomas Morgan, of Dowlais, whose work, "Place Names in Wales and Mon¬ mouthshire," incidentally mentions the name and spells it "Eppynt," so evidently there is about equal authority for spelling it both ways. The Editor. CHA.RLES 0 BALA'S CATECHISM.—Tour able correspondent has a mention of this famous work in his last list of "Breconshire Books." It is a great honour to our county to know that the first edition of a work that has had such a wonder¬ ful influence for well-nigh 100 years (it being first published in 1789) upon the work and success of the Calvinistic Methodists of Wales, was published at Trefecca. I learn from another source that an English edition was subsequently printed, and used by the Countess of Huntingdon in all the schools connected with her chapels. Jahco II. FKLDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1887. NOTES. THE JOURNAL OF MR. SECRETARY FRANCIS GWYN.—In the second volume of the Fortnightly Review for 1886, there appears the Journal of Mr Francis Gwyn, recording minutely the journey of King James II. to Salisbury. The King determined to go down to join his army at this place, but finding that his followers one after another deserted him, he was compelled to return to London. The journal comprises the period 19th—■ 23rd November, 1688, and is interesting "partly from the official position and integrity of the writer, and partly because it sets forth many of those little details which materially assist the imagination by giving vivid touches of local colour to historical episodes." But I refer those who wish to read his minute record of what passed to the article in ques¬ tion, and simply wish to show that Mr Secretary Francis Gwyn had been connected with our ancient borough. Francis Gwyn was the son of Edward Gwyn, of Llansanor, county Glamorgan, by Eleanor, daughter of Sir Francis Popham, and was born at Combe Florey, county Somerset, about 1648. He was appointed one of the Clerks in Council in 1679, and served there until 1684-5. A paper was found amongst his journals, dated at Whitehall, 15th October, 1681, signed by Charles II., appointing: " Francis Gwyn, Esq., one of the Clerks of our Council, to the office and Chamberlain of Brecknock." In 1685 he was returned to Parlia¬ ment for Cardiff, and his name appears in most of the Parliaments between that date and 1722, as member for other places. His wife's grandfather, Sir Edmund Prideaux, had been Attorney-General under Cromwell. He served as Secretary at War under Queen Anne, and died in June, 1734. LB. SAVINGS IN BRECON IN 1830.—The fol¬ lowing table, showing to some extent the practical monetary thrift in Brecon during 1830, is extracted from a book by J. Tidd Pratt, Esq., containing the returns for the whole of the Principality of Wales. LB. In the year ending November 30th, 1830, we find that in the Savings Bank in Brecon (established in 1816), there were 775 depositors, being a decrease of 3, who were credited with the sum of £22,622, made up as follows:— Under £20 .... 415 depositors___ £3079 „ £50 „ £100 „ £150 „ £200 Above £200 227 90 26 11 £6958 £6155 £3187 £1858 £1385 775 £22622 There were also 16 Friendly Societies in Breconshire, returning an amount of £3965 ; also two Charitable Societies, with £130. In Wales there were 10,404 depositors, with total amount of investments equalling £340,721, this being thus made up in the Savings Banks:— Depositors under £20 .. 5117 .. £37954 „ „ £o0 .. 3178 .. £95353 „ £100 .. 1273 .. £86570 „ £150 .. 382 .. £45526 „ £200 .. 152 .. £25620 „ above £200 .. 162 .. £23880 Friendly & Charitable Societies.. 200 .. £25818 BOOKS PUBLISHED IN BRECONSHIRE. [Continued from December 2nd, 1887.] 1792. Myfyrdodau diweddaf y Parch Mr Baxter ar Farwolaeth &c. A daLfyrwyd gan Benj amin Ffosset, A.M., ag a gyfieithwyd o'r ail argraffiad yn Saesonaeg, gan William Thomas, Gweinidog yr Efengyl yn y Bala. Trefecca, Argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn, MDCCXCII. Last meditations concerning death, &c., of the Rev. Mr Baxter. Abbreviated by Benjamin Faweett (?) M.A., and translated from the second English edition by William Thomas, Minister of the Gospel at Bala. Printed at Trefecca in 1792. Some par-