Cylchgronau Cymru

Chwiliwch trwy dros 450 o deitlau a 1.2 miliwn o dudalennau

ŶẀ MLAto-IiLAW. ;$$^_Ẅ PRICE, tüuhefynà GOLYGYDP A CHYHOE£I>WB. BỲB HEB DBIJC ÝW BOB äl_î DDÜW/» ^pEBiẄn^ SIR SeHUYLEIL^ P_tv, MEDI15,185& [Rhi. 1. «f The Postag* of the Bard, ', Wahiŵ-,li|ŵ ÁìaiOr » * o»ats.ayear, out of the ' <ÉRiMft(Ì2fl«it8ÌjeMi ->> '-"TẅWrauy Bard<k;V*. V ■ '"- -: r" "~ ,-.v 6I-TDD;. ÄfHŴ^atíŴfjddjrn^ $t 00 ,• ýv'ŵ -*..; « -•'.-. ,. ■• . - .«-'. ,. • » 00 ŵ,;t(|«àí^:; ':«. ■'•.■'-*. ■ ■ 13 0» îfc.** '» n. » '.- . ,, • 16 00 SÇ «* " " -'■• 24 00 |f Ŵjè*Dfc cŵrec& mií, 50 .,Ì '* :.*< ■: - '* " 3 00 f« . «r « « ? 00 fcr " « « " « " 10 00 "-fcttó^Äi'n-lt. !:.'• > 25 :-'...__-- <*-•;>"•;;."■ ."■'".. .2 75 jj »';-'<«'." « «■- . 5 00 ŵ" ;•*' ** ':* • 10 °° S, ;^ ; Adrertîslng ratesr of the Bard. V(hì_ aqUare óflO lines, three insertionsr $1 00 •^:Bwiyw^eqT»ntinBortioii,. 25 ' Half sg-sre* ä lines, tbree inaertíon», 63 Bach Sühsequent insertíon, 15 1 0_o aquax% th»e months,. 1 50 r,àb:.\rj íiÄmontha, ■•v îîi 5 00 's 3tbktaít; A Weeklý îTewspapér, devòted to Literature, th« Arts and Seiences, Iron, Mining and Maaufactur- ing Inteliigenee, a_d fche Interesta of the Woriting closses generally. PUbUshed in MÌnersYÌlle, Schuyl- kill County, Pa., on everý Wedneaday morning-. TERMS: INYARIABLY IN ADVANC_, "«#* do onöyear 5 00 AUTerasements tor a snorter genoa tnan six ' Mcrehants amd others ádvertising by &e year, \ -»ri__i to be paád for in advance. Yearfy adrer- ''■;; wäh eaangesjj and a atanding advertisement not «iceeding _ squarea of 2ft lines, wili bo charged, . h.;'•■ . " Tenoa of Adyertfsing* Adrertigementa for a shorter period than siz xru>a_Ì8tobopai(tf()riii adyance» Yearly adver- tisements to be paìd aemi-annually in adrance. £..>, ,ty.,.Aripiç_ir biKau, p_raphlet_n, neu lyfraa yn> <3ymtae^wBO. âaeeooaeg yn. rad a deatlus. -\; f A> Wttrtli yn y Swjddfa hou; î4?0_,tB_irdb, (Parch. R. Eflis, Cÿarf-eẁc,) 50 V*ì£Ûail.~$tÀtì (öẅilym Mai,) 25 ẁ'y_oite.a.îos_pa- _.*t FáoDTB, (P_bch. J. P; :f:-;.<B_ẁi^'ÌÍ!w»i»2Wtt,)- 12i> Single copy, one year, - - Sii eopies " - TweÌT» oopier, •*.■..-'.■-..- Twenty-four eopies, - - - Rates of AdTertisIng: One squaro of 10 lines, three insertions, Every subseqnent insertion, Half square, 5 lines, three insertions, Each subsequentinsertion, Ono 3quare, threo months-, do six monthsj do ...,. oneyear, . , Merchanfc» and others adTertising bỳ the year, with ehânges, and a stamüng adrertisemeat not exeeeding 2 8quares of 20 lines^ wül ba oharged, $18 00. Terma of Advert_}I_g: AdTertisements fbr a shorter period than six -$2 00 10 00 18 00 50 09 $1 01) îft «s 15 a 50 .« 00 10 00 tisements to be paid semi-annu&ll-ý in advauce. Job Prlnting: E-ecuted with ncatness, cheapness, and despatch. T. €F. PRICE, Editor snd Proprietor. Persons desirous of having aeir friends.brought out from England, Ire- Iand, Scotland and Walés, by the Wasbington Hna of Pachets, caO putcbase Passage Tiolcet» ẅ tho ofiSceef J. H. EICHARDS, Minersv_le, Agenẁfot SABIL & COkTIS, and thns seoure to theirfrrená. thafc dispatch ánd good treatment for which tha above line ìä noted. Drafts of £1 aad upwsrds, on Èngland, ScoÜand, Ireland, Wales and Gemumy. Appîicatáoas, personally ©r by fluál,- pnunptly at> tended to» SepjL 15, 1858«