436 Old Price's Remains. rested in the rest," I would just say that, if each reader likes the part he or she does feel interested in, I ought to be thankful. But it is truly gratifying to hear so many pronounce the Graviora, upon which I have always be¬ stowed most pains, to be the part best executed, whilst they also take more or less interest in the other parts. Meanwhile I should be very glad of more and more of the friendly castigation which has been, as yet, very leniently bestowed. One asks, why I don't stick to my Classics, instead of writing bad German ? Because even such Ger¬ man as I write may amuse ; and I really have not time to consult my dictionary, even when I can find it. Thanks for Gdnse and beissen, which ought to have been the words in p. 332. A passage in Cowper's Tirocinum has this very day reminded me of the need of wisdom and caution in recalling the sayings and doings of our youthful days, and I trust I shall never be found either glorying in my shame, or commending my evil to others. " The Hoax " is given as it took place—a part of the History of (gullible) England—without note or comment; of course it was the work, not of a Christian, but a thoughtless young man. No prank, absolutely requiring falsehood for its execution, can be justifiable (as Epaminondas has taught us by his example), and the " two scamps" so designated would no doubt both accept the title, as well merited and well chosen. Yet, if what is called a "harmless hoax" were prac¬ tised on me, I trust I should be as far from judging the actors morosely as I should from taking part in such a transaction myself. Again, whilst I am recommending a selection of miscellaneous books, I quote scraps from a much wider range, without always knowing whence, and of course without intending to endorse the author's opera omnia. How much of past sayings, doings, readings and