Natural History and Phenomena. 439 he must needs be, " arborescent." (Compare dendritic or arborescent manganese, iron, &c; we name things better whiles in rocks than in the mud.) The branchiae or breath¬ ing organs, so absurdly called " papillae," are, in this case, all branched, something after the fashion (though they are, with most other things, exactly like nothing but themselves,) of a roebuck's antlers: whereby it was, on its first discovery, called at home, by the firm of Daddy & Co., the "Antler Slug," which did very well (as I never even duly valued names,) till Prof. T. Rymer Jones, to whom I am indebted for immortalizing those primitive " Colander Tanks," paid us a visit, and helped my nomenclature with a host of high-sounding names, many of which I fancied I could have improved, even then. The two veritable horns (or tentacles) have a peculiar structure: a truncated cylinder, like the antler (?) of a giraffe, has a cup or crater at its extremity, fringed with small ramified processes like those on the back, but having, lodged in the cavity, a spirally foliated organ like that of the Doris, and which should have been noticed under that head. To some readers it will be a subject of (somewhat profane) merriment that there is an unsettled, if not unsettleable, controversy respecting this evidently important feature; savoir, whether it is the crea¬ ture's ear, or one of its 2 noses ! The evidence in favour of the former is derived from the existence of certain minute calcareous solids, supposed to be analogous to the stapes, incus, malleus, and os orbiculare of our ear. The enquiry is in reality, smiling reader, a very interesting one, and perhaps resolves itself ultimately into the question whether hearing is anything more than a refined modification of the general sense of feeling ; in which case ears and an¬ tennae would not differ much more from each other than branchiae from lungs. The conveyance of vibrations to a