gghtyxgtite. Vol. ii. JULY, 1894. No. v. CONTENTS. President's Letter .., ,„ Higher Education of Women Tom Tits ............ The Time o'Day........ Flies ............... An Exhibition Dream...... "BlueStookings" ...... Nothing ............ Sponges.......,....... 152 153 157 153 161 162 165 167 169 Ode to the "Wye .. Swallows ...... Moles ......... Prize Winning ... Library Report ... Amusements Report School News...... Editorial ...... PAGE 170 172 173 175 177 177 178 179 '* Setter. My Dear Girls, t'HIS number contains more articles from present girls, than any of ' the former magazines, and I hope you will continue to send in contributions. The sale of the magazines is good, but we should like to have more subscribers in the School. Speech Day is to be on Friday, July 27th, when the Duchess of Beaufort has consented to give away the prizes. Mrs. Griffin has kindly offered an additional prize for needlework, so that she will give one prize to the seniors and one to the juniors, and Mrs. Bagnall- Oakeley has again promised a beautiful prize for art. To those who have been interested in the subject of the Higher Education of Women, by Miss Hurlbatt's lecture last week, I would