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fliwtli Deanerp magazine. Vol. III. (New Series). JUNE, 1907. No. 174. LLANIDLOES. Mothers' Union.—There will be a special service and address for members on Wed¬ nesday. June 26th, at ~-30. At a committee held on Thursday evening May 30th, it was decided to hold the annual Church Garden Fete and Saje of Work, on Wednesday July 3rd. The proceeds will be given to Church and Church School purposes. There will be a general stall under the management, we hope, of the same ladies as undertook the stall last year, (we have to say we hope as not all of them were present at the meeting), and a stall for the sale of work done by members of the Sewing Party, who are requested to send any garments etc. they may have to Mrs. Jones the Vicarage, before the above date. A great effort will be made this year to provide more occupation and amusement for all who comes. There will be, it is expected, tennis, bowls, a shooting gallery, captive football, Aunt Sally, swing, &c. as well as dancing and a first rate concert. As many seats as possible will be provided and no charge will be made for them except during the concert. The experiment of a seven o'clock cele¬ bration on Ascension Day did not answer, a very meagre few putting in an appearance. But on Whitsunday it proved popular, more attending that service than were present at 9 o'clock last year. The communicants during the day numbered 130, eight less than last year, but a gcod many of those who had communicated on the first Sunday in the month did not come, so the attend¬ ance was really better during the Wrhitsun- tide month than in 1906. We are glad to find that Mrs. Tom Phillips is making gradual if slow progress after her extremely severe illness. She will have, we are sure the prayers of many- friends for her complete recovery. The Choir has been much weakened these last few weeks, the above paragraph account¬ ing for the complete absence of Mrs. Phillips and the irregular attendance of Mr. and Miss Phillips, while of the ladies Miss Webb and Miss Chris Kerr have been away from homt. In connection with this subject we regret very much to record the departure this week of Mr Richard James Jerman, which will be a great loss to the choir and to the church generally. He has always been consistently regular and useful as a chorister, and ready and willing to help in Sunday School and all church events. There are very few indeed whom we could less willingly spare. But we understand he is leaving to take up a good post near London, and the best wishes of all churchpeople will go with him, his wife and daughter to their new home. " It's an ill wind that blows no one any good," says the old proverb, and we are glad to see Mr. James D. Owen back in Llanidloes and the choir to take Mr. Jerman's place— glad for his own and his wife's sake, and glad for the choir and the church. The Vicar explained on Sunday', June 2, that the delay in securing a Curate is not due to any want of effort on his part, as he has been advertizing and making enquiries for months. There are unfortunately many vacancies in the Diocese and the supply of candidates is very scarce. One excellent man who wished to come here failed to find a suitable house and has gone to Barmouth