Cylchgronau Cymru

Chwiliwch trwy dros 450 o deitlau a 1.2 miliwn o dudalennau

APWYSTLI DEANEBY MAGAZINE. Vol:Vl.<New Series). May, 1910. *?o.209. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7^%%%%%%%%%%%%79%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LLANIDLOES. - ' . Next Thursday,May,5,being Ascension Day there will be-Holy- Communion at 8.a.m.§ Morning Service at 11,& Evening Service with Sermon•■ at 7.50. This is one of the greatest festivals in-; . the Christian year,& is so marked out in the Prayer Fook with proper Psalms &-lessons«& preface in the Communion "Service,'* it speaks-ill for our churchmanship that it is so indifferent¬ ly observed nowadays. i On WHITSUNDAY,May, 15*,fhere will be as usual celebrations of Holy Communion at 8,9,lO(Welsh),& midday. Last year-the commu¬ nicants fell far short of the general average ~of recent 'years, but we hope that most of them will be able to attend this year & so make up for that defect. The attendance of members of the Mothers Union at the cele¬ bration on April,20,was small,but this was largely due to a . lapse of memory on the part o-f the -Vicar who put the Service at 8.a.m.(instead of last year),forget ting that very few mothers can get away from their domestic duties at that hour We much regret to record the departure of Col:&SfesQ#jies-Jen- kins& family,who have left the neighbourhood to take up their residence at Pedford. The Colonel had "been for many years cor¬ respondent of the National School,an- office wjiich. entails much worry & no pay. At the last meeting ofManag:ers his resig¬ nation was accepted with the greatest regret,& a resolution was passed "that the Managers'high appreciation ,of his sedulous, discharge of his"'duties & the tact & ability with wMch-he man¬ aged the affairs of the School during the • special perplexit¬ ies of the past few years 'be" recorded in the minutes!' Mr John Davies, Llwj-n,has kindly consented to- act in his stead. Will the sender of a late Easter Offering accept the Vicar's very best thanks? We forgot last month to notice the new curtains which have replaced those that have so long done'duty within the altar rails. They are very handsome & improve the appearance of the Sast End. The old ones have been used for screening off the tower while ringing goes on. , ..* 5 We also forgoX .to say that Miss Lena Davies,presided at the "Organ on GoodFriday & Easter Day. Her-playing is always■ de- . lightful & added greaMy to the effectasfciAeness of the Can¬ tata & of the singing generally.