Tf)e IZewpoiff Hrzztiyterian. ORDER OF SERVICES. HAVELOCK STREET. Sunday—10.15 a.m. ... ... Prayer Meeting 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ... ... Preaching 2.30 p.m. ......... School 3 pm. ... ... Men's Service Communion—First Sunday in the month. Monday—7.15p.m__ ... ... Prayer Meeting 8.15p.m.......... C. E. Society Tuesday—6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m.... Wednesday—3.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m Thursday—7.30 p.m. Band of Hope Teachers' Class Dorcas Society Church Meeting Singing Practice Boys' Brigade CAERLEON ROAD. Sunday—11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m....... Preaching 2.30 p.m............. School 3—4 p.m. ...... Adult Bible Class Communion—First Sunday in the month. Monday—7.30 p.m. ...... Prayer Meeting Tuesday—2.30 p.m. ......Mothers'Meeting 7 pm. .. ... ... Band of Hope 8 p.m. ... Y.P.S. Christian Endeavour 8 p.m. " Hope of Maindee " Good Templars Lodge Wednesday—7.30 p.m....... Church Meeting Thursday—7.30 p.m....... Boys'Brigade 7.30 p.m....... Choir Practice MONTHLY NOTES. (November, 1896.) OUR winter's work is now well under weigh, and we believe there will be good results. The harvest is indeed plenteous, and we are glad that the labourers are increasing. The re¬ sponsibility of church membership is beginning to burden a few fresh brethren. The ranks of the active are swelling. The good and faithful servants, who have long worked for Christ and for His church, must be delighted to receive additional help. * * -* The Mothers' Meeting and the Dorcas Society have laid out plans for great things. A Jumble Sale is in view, and a Sale of Work later on. The proceeds are to be devoted to the formation of a chapel debt fund. We are glad to find that the Religious Service, held for the mothers on Monday afternoons, is so much appreciated. Many thanks are due to Mrs. Glyn Davies, Mrs. Fennell, and Miss John who labour so faithfully in this work. The newest feature of their plans is a creche, and appeals are made for gifts of old toys to keep the babies going. Two young ladies, with admirable pluck, have undertaken the charge. Will any others come to help them ? * * Progress is reported likewise from the Men's Service on Sunday afternoons. The deepest attention is paid to the Gospel addresses given, and there are many testi¬ monies that much spiritual good is being done. The meeting on Sunday, the 1st of November, was highly satisfactory as a proof of solid evangelical work. It must have gratified the hearts of the brethren in charge. If we give the Word of God fair play, it is bound to do the highest work. It is delightful to learn of the large congregations that are gathered every Sunday in Caerleon Road Chapel. The ministry is becoming a great power, and the chapel is filling rapidly. This is good news indeed. «' Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward." It is a great disappointment that the Rev. John Roberts, the missionary from Khasia, is unable to visit us. He has other appointments of so pressing a nature that he cannot come to Newport for the promised date. However, he will be in the Presbytery at Frederick Street, Cardiff, on Thursday, the 12th, and will deliver two addresses, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. In our next number we hope to publish a Balance Statement, showing the present position of the Caerleon Road Debt Fund. It will make one thing clear—we must take some steps towards raising more money than we now raise. A great deal of liberality has been shown in the past; but if we are to do more than merely pay the annual interest, we must take the matter up with earnestness and good will. * * Is it not possible to re-start a Children's Service Sunday evenings ? Are there no devoted friends in our two churches who will volunteer for the work ? There is no doubt that it is needed.