Win (Bnptkn $tm&m\tl Vol. ii. No. 14. SEPTEMBER, 1892. Price One Penny. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF EVANGELIST JOHN EMMANUEL RAY. .|pFp|HE subject of this sketch was born at Merthyr VE? Tydfil, on May 10th, 1863, and was the youngest ^ =*■?- 0f a family of nine. His father, Mr. John Ray, was a Cornishman, while Mrs. Ray was thoroughly Welsh. Both were anxious that their children should lead a good life. But it is to the mother, whose influence was ever for good, that the youngest son owed most. When he was about nine years of age, the family moved to Treherbert, in the lihondda Valley. Just at that time the state of the Rhondda was fear¬ ful, and Ray was soon carried away, young as he was, in the torrent. But in 1879 the Lord ful¬ filled his promise: " When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." At this time, a great revival swept over the Rhondda. The Lord used the Sal¬ vation Army as the instrument to bring about His glorious work. Young Ray, then 16 years old, was wrought upon in this revival, and was at once posj sessed of a strong desire to enter upon Christian work. For about two years he stood as a witness at Treherbert, and then in the order of Providence he com¬ menced a work for God at Treforest, using the old Company's shpp, near Fothergill's works as a mission room. Here "a very blessed work was done, and many are standing to this day who remember that spot as their second birthplace. 'One, remarkable feature of the work here in this out-of-the-way mission room was the number who seemed to get filled with a desire for mission work, and who became afterwards labourers in the vineyard. These were Albert Coleman, Miss Rosser, Miss Jones, William O'Dowd, Frank Joshua, and Seth Joshua. The Holy Spirit thus elected to call out from an unknown. work a number who have since become and still remain successful workers. From Treforest Mr. Ray went to labour at Mon¬ mouth, and continued there for twelve months. During the first six months he was most severely tested by being called upon to stand almost alone and endure persecution and ridicule in this very conservative town. Yet he was helped to win his way, and finally, before leaving, his very persecutors helped to contribute towards the pur¬ chase of a watch as a token of esteem. He afterwards made a short stay at Cole- ford and Ludlow. From this part he removed to Shrews¬ bury, where he laboured for seven months. This was a time of remark¬ able persecution, arising from the bitterness of pot¬ house disciples, who were the mere tools of enraged publi¬ cans. Night after night thousands would line the streets, hooting and following the little band of singers to the meeting house. The chapel win¬ dows were riddled with stones, while the mob actually took possession of the building, and did great damage to the forms, &c. For a long time Mr. Ray and his wife were obliged to allow the police to protect them on their journey home from the services. Marriage. Mr. Ray, notwith¬ standing this ex¬ citement, was cool enough to take to himself a wife. This event took place after Mr. Ray had settled at Shrewsbury a month, and thus their voyage com¬ menced on a stormy sea. We have already noticed that, amongst others who were called out to mission work at Treforest, was a Miss Jones, and it was this same young sister who decided to share life's trials with Mr. Ray. Mrs, Ray at this time, was labouring