W$t CljrMiait ^tan&arft* Vol. i. No. 3. SEPTEMBER, 1891. Price One Penny. EVANGELIST SETH JOSHUA. JVANGELIST Seth Joshua was born at Polity pool, Monmouthshire, on April 10th, 1859. His parents then lived in the chapel house built over the vestry of what was then known as old Upper Trosnant Welsh Baptist Chapel, so that the subject of this sketch was actually born within the four walls of God's house. About this time the Rev. David Roberts was the popular pastor.*;of this church. Young Seth often found himself carried away by the hwyl of David Roberts, and would often on the Monday morning creep into the chapel through the vestry window, get up into the tall, old- fashioned pulpit, thump the Bible, and preach away to an imaginary congregation. As a boy, though a ringleader in wickedness, he was al¬ ways the subject of spiritual impressions. On one occasion after leading on other boys into mischief, and being chased by thepolice, and finding shelter in an old field, he suddenly turned round upon his com¬ panions and said:— " Look here, lads, if we go on like this it will end in hell. I propose we have a prayer meeting." This was after some ado agreed upon, only upon condition that Seth would lead it, the others not feeling themselves sufficiently well up in the exercise. At one time being a member of Zion Sunday School, his conduct was so bad that his- teacher called upon the class to remain be¬ hind that afternoon in order to decide whether or not they should banish him from their midst. However it was decided to extend the lease. When working at Ponty- pool Road Engine Sheds he soon obtained the not very enviable title of " Satan." After some flagrant deed of mischief all the poor lads would be stopped a. quarter until they gave information of the real culprit, but no one would do so for the fear of " Satan " and his lieutenants coming upon them. When about eighteen, he removed with his parents to Treforest, Pontypridd. Here the descent into sin was more steep, the current was stronger. He was carried along with almost irresistible force. His driving in sin's chariot was as the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi. But the wheels were arrested in 1882. A wonder¬ ful temperance revival took place in Pontypridd. Two [A. 6° G. Taylor chapels were crowded each night, and thousands were blessed. Seth strayed into the Wesleyan Chapel there—to the very first meeting. He went there in a muddled condition from the New Inn Hotel. That night he signed the pledge. In April, 1882, he yielded himself to the Redeemer in a mission meeting held in an old Company's shop on the tram-road. Without conferring with flesh and blood he launched forth into the Master's service. As the pendulum swung one way into sin, since 1882 it has been swinging towards Christ's— likeness. At the end of 1882 a most glorious work was com¬ menced at Neath. Here the Lord united Seth and his brother Frank together in the work. They were known as the ' Brothers Joshua.' The work commenced in Water Street Chapel, and was afterwards con¬ ducted in a large tent erected in Windsor Road, Neath, and hundreds of souls confessed Christ. The work so prospered that in 1884 a large hall was erected and opened. Many felt regret when Mr. Seth Joshua decided to separate, in order to labour in Cardiff; but subsequent results have proved that the Master is pleased to use both separately in bringing many souls to himself. There is another brother in the work, namely, the Rev. Caleb Joshua, who is now pastor of Salim Baptist Church ,Landore. Mr. S. Joshua has been led of the Lord to vipit many parts of the coun¬ try and in every mission the Spirit has used him as a reaper. His parents are still living at a ripe old age. What a joy it must be to their hearts to know that out of six children, three are specially engaged in pointing immortal souls to the crucified Christ. On Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, at St. Thomas', Neath, the subject of our sketch, believing the divine injunction that it is not good for man to be alone, took to himself a wife in the* person of Miss Mary Rees, daughter of Mr. Henry Rees, New Park, Llantrissant. As the result of this union, they have been blessed with four children, or, as Mr. Joshua would put it, "four living volumes on Original Sin." Rev. Oscar T. Snelling, of Swansea, writes:—"I am glad to find that you are going to insert in your excellent paper, a sketch of my friend Mr. Seth Joshua, who is now labouring so earnestly in the Tent work in your town. I have had some knowledge of his work for several years past both in connection with our own ' Missions' in Swansea, and also, in Gospel Temperance work. Cardiff.: