a?0 j» Price—One Penny.] i* ---,--- [No. 6. #*8ft ^HE 0 *fc SWESTPVY 'PfesByferian Messenger. DECEMBER, 1894. c=3 I—3 Pi p$- m c& ° E2 i—i Hr*, "13 en MEETINGS. nday Services : — Prayer Meeting at 9 50. Preaching at 10 30 and at G -'50. Sunday School ait % 30. k-night Services :— Monday at 8—Literary Meeting. Tuf-sday at 7—Band of Hope. Wednesday at 7 30— Intermediate Bible Class Thursday at 7 30—Adult Bible Cl.t?s. Friday at 1 30—Church and Prayer Meeting? alternately application for Seats to be made to the Deacons. CONTENTS. Advertisement of Lecture, by Rev. T. E. Roberts, M.A. ... ••• ••• Cover To our Headers Church Notices Oswald Road Literary Society Zion Literary Society, &c. Albert Road Mission Sunday School Work and Competitive Work ... Gleanings ALBERT ROAD MISSION. vices: Sundays—School at 11 and 3 o'clock, angelistic Service at 6 4o o'clock, and Tuesdays ' Fridays at 8 0 p.m. A hearty invitation is given '31. Evangelist, T. Morgan Jones, 5, "Upper »t Road. 'LPIT SUPPLIES FOR DECEMBER. —Rev. W: D. Lewis, M.A., D.D., Shrewsbury. .—Rev. It. Owen. Welshpool. •5—Pastor, Sacrament Sunday (Morning). 1- Ucv. W. H. Jones, Shrewsbury. Hev. W. Foulkes, Xvlangollen. A Daughter of the People. Chap. V. By Dora, M. Jones Short Sermons for Busy Men. XI. By Dr. Joseph Parker A Croupe of Noble Women. V. Miss Agnes E. Webster, the Sailor's Friend The Gift of Sympathy ... The Courtesies of Home. By the Rev. F. B. Meyer ... Christmas Gifts The Joys of Christmas. A Talks with the Children ... A Crictical Moment Hints and Helps for Young Men ... Page 177 180 181 182 18S 184. 186 187 188 ____ g^ T. OWEN, PRINTER, THE LIBRARY, OSWESTRY.