THE WELSH CALYffiSTIC METHODIST RECORD. AUGUST, 1853. CiESAR AND PAUL. (From "Evangelical Christendom") " Having spent a few days in that province (Syria) he (Ca;sar) advances into Cilicia." Cesar's Wars. "And he (Paul) went throughout Syria and Cilicia confirming the churches." Acts 15. It is not our intention, though we have placed their names in such close proximity at the head of our paper, to attempt to draw a parallel or to institute a comparison between the character and work of Julius Caesar and t£a Apostle of the Gentiles. We question if, in the natural character of the two men, there were many points of similarity, and assuredly, in their acquired character, there were fewer still. In one respect, indeed, a very broad and marked feature of resemblance can be traced: they were both pre-eminently men of action, and each was impelled on by a similar motive in his strangely dissimilar career—a towering ambition, which, till its object was fully attained, spurned from it the dream of rest; which could brook a rival only to outstrip him in the race; before which mountains became a plain, and to which danger and death were but an empty name. It was while lately refreshing the memories of more youthful years, by a somewhat singular coincidence, just when we had reached that part of the narrative of the wars of Ctesar from which the few words at the head of our paper are taken, and where we catch a glimpse of the stern victor as fresh from Pharsalia and Egypt, he hurries on to add the unhappy ruler of Pontus to his list of vassal kings, we reached at the same time, in the regular course of our daily Scripture readings, that portion of the narrative of the exploits of the veterans of the cross, where we find the great Apostle of the Gentiles,