Cylchgronau Cymru

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k% Ip/s/f )j§dntiatiot\i8t °^? *£?. «& A Monthly Magazine issued in connection with the PUPIL TEACHER^, CENTRAL SCHOOL, PORTH. ->♦ ♦■ ♦< EDITOR: E.- D. CHALKS, Headmaster. (President of the Rhondda Teachers' Association.) No. 2. APRIL, 1897. Peice Two-Pence .CONTENTS, . Our Portrait Gallery and Biography: Mr. J. Duckworth, 33.A. (Lond.), Head Master of the Llanelly Pupil Teachers' Centre. Editorial Notes. Notes from Llanelly Centre. A few Reminiscences of French Training- College Liife. (By E. W. George, Inter. B.A., Ystrad Organised Science Class.) Our Beading Circle. Macbeth* II. Stray Thoughts from Bacon's Essays. ■: Prize Compositions : Results. Prize Essay : „A Description of the Siege of Sebastopol, Prize Essay on " "War." PONTTPBIDD: Printed by TDavies & Co, "Chronicle " Offices, 23, 24, and 25, Mill Street,