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IONARY CHRONÌCLE FOR FÉBRUARY, 1832. LONDON MISSIONÀRY SOCIETY TO AUXILIARY SOCIETIES. The Treasurer and Secretariea oí Auxüiary Institutions throughout 'tlie United Ringdom' are respectfully inforraed, that the Society's ac- eounts for the year will ■positẁely be closed on the Slst of March next; and that unless the Lists of Contributions to the Ausüiaries are received ftt the Mission-house within otie weèk of that date, they cannot he in- serted in the Annual Report íbr 1832. The Directors have been com- pelled to adopt this measure, in consequence of the diiTicuìty which has been experienced, in former years, in òbtainiug the Lists m due time for the publication of the Report, immediately afíer the Anniversary. ULTRA GANGES. E.vLraeis of a Letler from lìev. W. H.Med- intrst, daeld Jìataria, August Sth, 183] ,- addressed to the Directors. IIONOURF.D F.ATHERS AND J3rETIIREN, Since my last, I rcjoice to say, tliat my health has been tolerably good, with the e.Yception of a serious attack about two months ago, which, tbough of short dura- tio'n, was of so violent a nature that my stréngth failed under it, and my dear family began to haye serious apprehensions for my life. The Lord has, however, been better to us than all our fears, and, by his help, we continue to this day. During the greater part of this ýear I hare been refreshed by the presence of the Eev. D. Abeel, Amerìean Missionary,* who not only took part in the English services, but accompanied me in all my visils to the Chi- nese and Malays, and greatly eucouraged me by his couusels and his prayers. 11 e left this in the beginning of June for Singa- fiore,-whencè he embarked, two. days after lis arrival, for Siam. f Stated Missimiary Seri'ices, The English service at the mission-chapel has beèn continued everÿ Sabbath morning, the attendants on wbich, though somewhat diminished in-numbers, have, I, bope, ìn- * To China.~~ED. creased in seriousness, and we are not with- out hogtìs of some who will be our joy and crown öÊ rejoicing in the day of the Lord .'esus; The srrialì church of country-borns, :.who use tìíe native language, has been in- creased by thc addition of one member ; and two more have come forward as candidates, who give gòod evidence of being under seri- ous impressions, which, wé hope, will termi- nate in spund and saving conversion to God. The Malay service in the Dutch church, every alternate Sabbath, bs>g been continued, and some of the attendants have expressed their satisfaction at hearing things, on these occasions, which had not previously bcen explained to them. The convicts have been addressed every other Sabbath afterhoon on the great things of the world to come, and have manifested peculiar delight on somi; Javanese tracts beingdistributed among thein. On Tuesday cvenings we hold a prayer-meet- ÌDg, m Malay, at the bouse of L. Mouton (a memberof the church), at which a few at- tend, and three persons, bcsides Mr. Young aud niyself, take their turns in the service. On Friday evenings aMalay sermon is preach- ed in a sehool-room near town, where the at- tendançe is very eucourägiug, Depok is still visite(í about once a mòuth, wíiere tîîé inh'dbitants. appear ver.y y.illing to hear. One of the, young men, educated ia tìie school there, has come to put himself under my instrucíion, with the \iew of being ulti- mately useful among'^his fellow-viUagers us ä cateehist or school-nmstcr. Mr. Young